Friday, March 28, 2008

Lab: Exersise Physiology

Lab U2 Exercise Physiology
Explanation of Experiment
For this lab I will be measuring my pulse, resp. rate, and blood pressure at rest and during different activities. This will be shown over a course of five days with three different activities. For my activities I will be doing 10 sit-ups, a half mile walk around my neighborhood and will be eating lunch.
This will show the correlation between my metabolic measurements and my cardiovascular system. The more you are active the faster your blood pumps and carbon dioxide is then released from your system and oxygen is pushed through your body faster. When your arteries are dilated it will carry nutrients and oxygen to the necessary areas, while the heart is pumping harder. However, when you are active you are not only using your cardiovascular system, you are also using your nervous, endocrine and musculoskeletal.
I will be using an at home digital heart pressure monitor to keep tract of my pulse, systolic, and diastolic pressures!! I don’t want the Walgreen's manager to keep suspicious…


I believe that different activities will show different results. The more physical activity that there is the higher the pulse, resp rate, and blood pressure.
Baseline: I think when the body is at rest for at least 10 minutes then the pulse will be low along with the rest. You are breathing slower (because blood doesn’t need to pumped as fast through out the body). Your blood pressure is slower.

Activity 1: During my sit-ups, my resp rate will increase, along with my pulse. However since I am only doing a rep of 10 then I don’t believe that it will have a dramatic increase in my blood pressure but a slight one.

Activity2: This will not only raise my resp rate (for the increase of oxygen needed for the body) but my heart will be pumping harder and faster so my pulse and blood pressure will rise. This is the longest activity and the most work. This will have the most dramatic change.

Activity3: Each day after my walk I will come home and prepare lunch. Then I will eat and take my blood pressure afterwards. However my body will be pretty much at rest so I don’t think it will go up I believe it will drop to my baseline readings!

Was there any conflicts with the experiment?

I do think that no matter how you slice it there is always going to be conflicts such as how the sit-ups are done, walking with a stoller and a 20 pound kid oppose to walking alone, and what you ate that day and how fast. The only real way to test this is if you did the exact same everyday and ate the same thing and so on. So if someone else did this then there results maybe dramaitcally different then mine!


Yes, my hypothesis was right! My baseline was low and relaxed, as i became more active my blood pressure raised, pulse got faster, and my resp rate increased! This was especially true with the half mile walk.

The higher the body beame so did my intake of air. when i was taking deep breaths in it was expelling the carbon diaoxide out my body and the oxygen was being dedributed to all the organs and nutrients were also being dispursed to give the body energy.

Was it fun?

I thought it was different and interesting! Its the little stuff that people dont think about i guess. This is one of those instances that it was fun to do once but um never again. It wasnt that it was bad but more incovient. I have a baby and trying to do this and take care of a very busy baby was a little hard and i am the main caregiver. My husband works alot.
However i got it done and i just had to learn how to incorporate her as well. so i took her for the walks!!
I definately think it was worth doing!

1 comment:

Larry Frolich said...

Nicolette Houck

Thanks for your honest self-eval and feedback on the unit. I’m glad you’ve found these topics to be interesting and exciting—it’s always great to get past the cells and see what they’re actually doing in our bodies.

Also very complete!

This compendium is very complete with great graphics and references for all. You might include a table of contents at the start that lists all the sub-topics you are going to cover.

Great job on this lab.

Yes, pretty well-rounded nutrition…you’re probably right about the cola, but…I can understand the need to get past low sleep with kids and all!

Great and complete job on this lab. I like how clearly you frame our hypothesis and your data graph is very well done. Eating seemed to not raise respiration/heart rate much…depends on the individual.


Nicolette; Your labs are well very well-done as are your compendiums. I didn’t see the ethics issue essay—just too much for this unit…or if you still want to do it, just let me know. Keep up the excellent work!