Monday, March 3, 2008

The good, the bad, and the ugly!

Cloning has been a hot topic from the very beginning. Although, there are benefits to it there are way too many risks that are involved. They started with animals but would it be right to start with humans? We have already started the beginning processes of the cloning but just have not taken it to the full degree.

Cloning would be beneficial to the medical field because there are so many people waiting for donor organs. By cloning animals for the organs would help fill this gap and give people a better chance of living. Another reason why this would be a good thing is for couples that are not able to have children this would be able to give them a chance to. Now we are already having In-Vitro that is insemination of embryos.

However there are plenty of risks involved with cloning as well. Some of them would include: clones not surviving for very long, animals have enlarged organs, and scientists don’t have control of how they will develop after there are made into embryos.

I personally feel that the risks are too great until we know more about it. I think that when we perfect the cloning of animals, that we then can bring up cloning humans. This is a very touchy subject though because of religions and other people’s viewpoints. I think that if it would benefit human kind then I am all for it.

Even though we have cloned animals, humans are still a little far fetched still. I don’t rule it out forever but I do believe that it will be a while. I just don’t think that the funding is in the research area.

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