Thursday, March 13, 2008

Daily Diet Mini Lab 2

I don’t think that my diet was very healthy that day. There was a lot of fat in it. Even though I was in the recommend daily allowance of calories, it was still bad. My family tries not eat out a lot because we try to stay away from the fat and calories so I make sure that I cook for them at least 6 times a week. So by cooking I believe that it is pretty healthy but I could defiantly do better.

I would change the soda intake; I drink a lot of soda for the caffeine. I am up really early with a child and I go to bed really late with homework and whatnot.
I would also try to get my daily intake of fruits and vegetables.

I am currently thinking about weight watchers online, so they have the same concept with the counter there’s is just with a point system that they have in place. So I believe if everyone was to track how many calories that they ate it might be a reality check. This may pursued others to really watch what they eat.

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