Monday, May 12, 2008


Week 3

On week 3: The embryo is implanted into the uterus. Although still small and not audibly alive yet, this is a big step!

This is a big defeat for such a small embryo. This means that there is no chance for an ectopic pregnancy, making sure that the mother and child are safe from that!
Week 11
On Week 11: The embryo has a noticeable heartbeat! The nervous system is the most developed at this point.

This stage is important to every parent out there. It is because they can audibly hear a heartbeat.
Week 14
On week 14: The heart has the chambers. The brain and spinal cord are growing rapidly. The hands and feet are also beginning to form. Also, the ears and mouth are also becoming visible! This embryo is growing rapidly and will look like a fetus soon!
Week 20
ON week 20: The sex of the baby is finally apparent! So mommy and daddy’s get ready to find out what you are having! Also, the hands and feet are recognizable now. Eyes are also visible; they will not have eyelids yet! The brain has connected with the muscular tissue.
Week 23
On week 23: The tail has finally disappeared. And skin has finally started to cover the innards of the fetus. Starting to look like a baby, although, still alien like! The head is round and upright and taste buds have begun to form on the tongue.
Week 25
On week 25: The baby weighs about a half of an oz! The baby will be about 3 inches long! The skin has formed around the baby and the brain has been working hard making connections with the neurons!
Week 27
On week 27: The toes are beginning to make there distinctive swirls on them. Also, the bowls have begun to collect Meconium.
Week 28
On week 28: The female fetus has fully formed ovaries and uterus. The ovaries also contain the primitive eggs! The fetus will have a sleeping pattern now and is finding its favorite sleep position. The eyebrows are also beginning to form.
Week 31
On week 31: The fetus is able to respond to light. Also the lips and mouth are more active showing more signs of sensitivity. The figures and toes continue to grow. What’s really amazing!?! The spine consists of 33 rings, 150 joints and 1,000 ligaments, supporting fetal body weight as it develops and strengthens.
Week 35
On week 35: The baby can scratch itself with its new fully formed finger nails! The eyes are open when alert and closed when asleep. Also the eye color is usually blue.

Week 40: The baby is head down is fully developed and ready for the world! The lungs are matured to take that first breath!

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